Writing Web Copies That Generate Sales - Netgen

It is not very difficult to lead a donkey to the river? Is it?

But, how do you get a donkey to drink water at the river?

Same is true about getting thousands of visitors to your website but generating insignificant sales. You must know about the ‘words’ that motivate a visitor to become a customer on your website. So, it is important to prepare the web content according to the target audience. What it the point of writing pompous phrases and fancy lines if you are targeting a sophisticated audience? Wouldn’t this technical jargon repel your prospective customers?

Undress your web content!

Don’t be afraid to undress your web content and see it in proper light. It will only help your sales goals in the long run.

  • Does your web copy persuade customers to read more? Forget about making a sale, customers won’t even reach the call-to-action link/button on your website if sentences in the beginning paragraphs are not ‘customer-centered.’ Remember, your competitors are just a click away.
  • Does your web content writer understand the exact buying habits of your target audience? There are certain ‘features’, ‘benefits’ and ‘things-to-avoid’ that you ALWAYS keep in mind when YOU BUY cameras, phones, beauty products, help books and equipment on the internet. Most web copies fail because website owners hire writers who could not put themselves into the shoes of prospective customers (like you).

 Get organized!

Strategically develop a website that is capable of engaging specific audiences. Here are the most important questions you should contemplate on:

  • Are my prospective customers looking for some information? It is not about drawing search engine traffic here. All you need is a good SEO service provider to make it happen. Converting traffic- into-sales is the goal. Unless your web copy provides information and help that your prospective customers are looking for, you cannot expect them to be interested in buying anything. Your web copy should be the answer to maximum number of ‘common’ doubts and questions that a customer might have. You or a web content writer has to do plenty of research to know about these doubts, questions and concerns of target audiences.
  • Do my prospective customers have affinity for certain keywords and phrases when they buy a product? Several successful web-entrepreneurs understand the importance of appealing keywords and phrases in a web copy. People interested in buying elliptical trainers for example, are sub-consciously looking for words such as ‘cross training’, ‘low impact’, ‘natural motion’ and ‘calorie burn rate.’

Ask for business!

Sprinkle some calls to action throughout the web copy. Majority of your customers are not going to read the entire web copy. As soon as you ‘make a point’ or end a paragraph with a compelling sentence, add a call to action.

Use effective motivators here. Variations can help. For example, you can use ‘Call Now’, ‘Get a free quote’, ‘Ask for your free copy’ and ‘Get more information.’ You do not have to stick to these common call-to-action statements. Be a little creative and you can easily find something specific to the business you are in. A travel business for example, would have ‘Plan my tour’, ‘Ask for a custom itinerary’, ‘Take a virtual tour now’ etc.

There is no harm in pin-pointing mistakes in the theme, sentence structure and choice-of-words in a web copy. Do it for your own good. Improvise.