Why Press Release Marketing is Important? - Netgen

Press release marketing is a great way of sharing and communicating news with your allies. A well received press release generates trust, and once trust is established, you are likely to get more business from everywhere on and off the web.

There is a thin line between advertising and press release; whereas the former is about sending creative messages to consumers, luring them to buy your products, the later gives information worthy of news.  And, if you have good news about your company and business, all stakeholders must know what’s in store for them.

The following is an account of why press release marketing is important and relevant to your business communicating strategies.

Helps in announcing company news and events

The simplest and most cost effective way of letting people know what’s happening in your company is through the medium of a press release. Events like the launch of a new product, new acquisition, receiving an award, organizing a trade show or exhibition, winning a new contract, etc. are news worthy and can be relegated to a large audience through press release.

Search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing

Frequent viewing of online news sources by web searchers is another reason why capitalizing on press release marketing is becoming important. Google, Yahoo and other news engines gives more credibility to press releases as they have newsworthy content, which a larger number of people seek.

Also, if written correctly, the press release can be posted on multiple websites. If these websites, in turn provide back links to your website, it will yield better results for page ranking and SEO.

Can give a boost to your public relations activity

If your press release is genuinely interesting and presented in the right way, it will be picked up by reporters and journalists from news media. Once they promote it on radio, television broadcasts, and quotes your press release in newspapers and other online platforms, your public relation activity will definitely get a boost.

Helps in promoting branding efforts

If linked correctly, your press release will show up when people search for it. Therefore, you can selectively market the content you want people to have access to when they search for your company online. This can help you build a stronger brand by promoting what’s most relevant to customers.

Inexpensive marketing method

The relative expense you would incur on press release marketing is quiet low when compared to other promotional activities. Of course, if you avail services of professional press release distributors  it will cost you slightly more, but one must keep in mind that it is easy to develop your own press release marketing strategy; you can take advantage of people within the organisation and approach free press release websites.

All businesses, whether small or big, can easily benefit from press release marketing. No matter what industry you are in, if there is news you want to share, the easiest and most cost effective means a press release.