What are the best on-page SEO techniques 2021? - Netgen
Since Google keeps updating its algorithm every year, it becomes difficult for SEO specialists to figure the right SEO techniques for improving the visibility of websites. Every year, there are around one to two updates on the Google algorithm. It makes it difficult for experts to follow only a few SEO techniques all the time. It is also not possible to keep track of so many changes happening on these algorithms. But if you know about the latest SEO techniques in 2021, it’s enough to help you stay ahead of your competitors. We all are aware that most searchers don’t go beyond the first page of search results. Therefore, it is important to know the new techniques to remain on the first page of SERPs (search engine result pages). But before diving into the on-page SEO techniques 2021, let’s find out what exactly is on-page SEO and why it’s vital.

What is on-page SEO?

On-page SEO (also known as on-site SEO) is a practice to optimize web pages for ranking higher in search engines. It includes optimization done on HTML source code and visible web content.

Why is on-page SEO important?

Google always checks the content on your web pages for figuring out whether or not it is relevant for the search query. Searching for keywords is an important part of this process. Since Google is constantly looking for relevant search results for asked queries, their algorithms are also looking for relevant content on web pages. If your webpage is about watches and you don’t mention various versions, Google’s algorithms know where to get the most relevant results. So, relevance is a major part of different on-page SEO. It means you are not likely to rank higher unless you crack it.

Top On-page SEO Techniques 2021

Here are the five important on-page SEO techniques 2021 to consider for better search results and to rank higher on SERPs.

1. Search For Competitors Best Performing Pages

The more you gain knowledge about the SEO and social media strategy of your competitors, the better your website is likely to perform. Whenever you determine the best techniques that work for your competitors on SERP, you can further try to take your SEO techniques and efforts to next level. Here, the practical approach is to search for competitor’s best pages. When you do this, you get a better understanding of where their organic traffic is coming from. This analysis will help you to move towards the direction of link gap, keyword gap, and chances for content improvement. It is best to use different tools for searching your competitor’s top-performing pages. All these tools not just inform you about the approx. organic traffic that the competitors’ websites are getting, but also tell about the general overview of their website.

2. Improve Organic Click Through Rate (CTR)

Click Through Rate (CTR) is one of the important SEO ranking factors that you need to use prominently. But the meta description and title tag may make a big impact on a website’s CTR. You may have good control over both the factors but you still need to find about title tag and meta description to give you maximum CTR. You can use title tags and meta descriptions by changing them constantly while measuring the results. However, it may take a very long. If you don’t want to wait longer, make use of PPC for testing title tags and meta descriptions. If you are not using PPC campaigns in your business, it is best to invest in them for testing various titles, run display ads, and descriptions. Besides that, you also get the power data around key phrases and headings.

3. Use Keyword Gap Analysis

When it comes to making an effective SEO content strategy, your concentration area must be on optimizing fresh content and existing content. The best starting point for the latest SEO technique is to optimize already existing content. Today, every traffic-oriented website is optimized for all the existing content. One must create fresh content very effectively. For creating fresh content, the major social media marketing and SEO services make is to make it blindly. But it shouldn’t be done like that. You need to create content with some purpose. It is because every piece of content must justify your website. In simple words, you have to make proper strategies while creating content. One amazing way to do that is by conducting a proper keyword gap analysis. It helps you to better understand all keywords that competitors may use of raking their websites. With the help of those keywords, one can create website content for filling gaps on the websites.

4. Check Competitor’s Broken Backlinks

One of the challenging on-page SEO techniques 2021 is to build quality backlinks. but it can be done by using the broken backlinks from the competitors’ websites. During this process, you need to look for broken backlinks to create content based on such backlinks. After that, reverse the backlinks to your website content. So, you have to find 404 pages on the competitor’s websites.

5. Optimize Images For SEO Techniques 2021

When you are not optimizing the images to be used in the content, you miss out on the web traffic as it goes to the competitor’s websites. Therefore, consider proper image search when it comes to Google search. In social media marketing and SEO services, people often tag the images along with alt tags. But optimization is beyond that. When you accurately optimizing website images, you are more likely to get a higher ranking on SERPs. For optimizing the images besides the alt tags, you have to consider different factors, such as resizing images, file names, decreasing file size, hosting the image on CDN, and forming an image sitemap. It does take some time, but it’s very beneficial for SEO services.


So, there are some essential SEO techniques 2021 to help you rank higher on different search rankings on Google. These are highly beneficial to increase brand visibility and awareness. Therefore, you need to follow them and get a better ranking on SERPs.