How to Secure and Protect Website - Netgen It Solutions

Many business owners don’t think there is anything to be hacked into their website. And, that’s how most websites are compromised. The majority of security breaches are done not to harm or steal your data. But instead, these attempts are down to get to your server and use it for email spamming or form a temporary webserver to serve illegal files. That’s why you need to secure & protect a website.

Hacking is usually done by automated scripts that are written for exploiting website security issues found in software. But how to protect a website from such hacking attempts?

Here we have mentioned the seven useful tips to help you secure and protect your website on the internet:

1. Use Strong Password

It is essential to use strong passwords to keep your website protected. Hackers can easily crack software with weak passwords, such as your date of birth, your name, phone number, etc. So, to keep your website protected against brute force, you must use complex passwords, containing numerals, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and special characters. The password must also be 10 characters long. Do follow the strong password policy in your organization to keep your data safe from attackers.

2. Keep Software Up-to-date

It is important to keep all your installed scripts or platforms up-to-date. It is because hackers can easily target any security flaw in your web software. So, the programs must be updated to mend any security holes. It is crucial to update and maintain each software you use.

3. Encrypt Login Pages

Make use of SSL encryption on the login pages. All thanks to SSL, your sensitive information, like social security numbers, login credentials, and credit card numbers are transmitted securely. When information on a page is encrypted, it becomes meaningless for third parties who may try to obstruct it. It also prevents hackers from accessing any private data or login credentials.

4. Use Secure Host

When you select a reputable and secure web hosting firm, they ensure they are aware of all threats and dedicated to protect and secure your website. A host must also be able to back up data to a secure remote server so that it’s easier to restore if the site is hacked. Also, consider a web host who offers technical support 24/7.

5. Keep Website Clean

Each application, database, or plugin on a website can be a possible entry point for attackers. So, you need to delete applications, files, or databases from a website that are not in use for a long time. Another important thing to keep in mind is to have an organized file structure for keeping track of all changes. Plus, make it easier to delete the old files.

6. Do Security Scans To Check Website Vulnerability

It is essential to regularly indulge in web security scans for checking your server and website vulnerabilities. The web security scans must be performed on a proper schedule and soon after any addition or change on the web components. There are various free tools on the internet for measuring the level of protection of your website. Such tools are helpful only for brief reviewing but cannot detect any security flaws on a website. So, get the professional security scans done for in-depth review and identification of vulnerabilities on a website.

7. Hire a Professional Security Expert

Lastly, consider hiring a professional security expert to offer necessary security services for securing and protecting your website. Although some minor things can be taken care of at your end, there are various security measures that only experts can handle well. Companies that offer proper security services can regularly scan a website for vulnerabilities, monitor malicious activity, and perform complete website security audits.


Your organization must be active in keeping your website protected. It is crucial to know that protecting a website from attackers is not a one-time thing. It’s an ongoing process. So, you need to take care of the aforementioned tips regularly to ensure your website is secure and protected.
Never neglect any security protection for your website, as a single flaw can lead to a major hack. Just don’t let attackers win!