How to learn web design - Netgen It Solutions Shimla

Are you determined to be a web designer? If so, you are on the right page.

Well, learning web design is quite complex and intimidating. But with advanced technology, web developments, and internet penetration, it has become easier to learn web designing at home. That’s why becoming a web designer has become quite popular in Generation Z.

In this article, we take through tips and resources to help you learn web design in India. For beginners, it can serve as a guide in their path of learning.

What is web design?

A web design is the design of websites you usually see on the internet. Web design is a mix of creativity and science, as it taps into both the creative and analytical sides of one’s brain. It is important to enhance the user experience when someone is navigating a website.

A web designer is someone who works on the layout, appearance, and visual content of a website. With the use of the right colours, images, text, typography, and structure, a web designer can create a great user experience on the web world – mostly commonly in form of a website to communicate ideas.

Steps to learn web design

Now that you are aware of what web design is and what a web designer does, let’s dive into the important steps you need to follow to learn web design.

1. Know what is web design?

By the definition, given above, you may have understood that the web design core is visual and interactive. Many young designers often mistake this basic concept of web design. It is not about the design, not about front-end development and coding.

Of course, you need to know the coding language (Java, HTML, CSS). but you cannot get too much into front-end development, as it is not web design core. To learn web design is to solve issues with communication between a web page information and users.

2. Learn web design skills as a young designer

Ace basic rules of visual design
Learn colour principles
Learn layout design
Master basic knowledge of design interaction
Understand basic coding languages (CSS, HTML)
Master PS and more web UI mockup tool
Master at least one front-end code editing software
Know more about the company user group and product
Know how SEO works

3. Five major elements of web design

Here are the five major elements of web design


4. Learn web design at home by Books

You can begin to learn web design at home by going through different web design books. Some of these books are:

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites
Learning How to Make Web Pages Functional
Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide
Designing with Web Standards

5. Learn Web Design Online

You can see that there is no rocket science about learning web design. But the important question is how and where to learn them. Besides books, you can learn all the web design skills through an online Tech program. Just search for the right online course to study web design and in a few months, you will be a web designer. Various online courses offer fast tracks to help you get into your dream career as quickly as possible. Such courses also help you to find a particular niche you’re interested to work on.
When opting for an online course, do read their online reviews, check whether it’s a full-time course, and interact with the online student community who has already taken that course. Once you join the right online course, you will find, land, and finish your first paid web design project in a few months.

Pro tip: You don’t require coding or web design experience for an online course. So, don’t hesitate and take your first step towards your career.


If you want to learn web design at home, you got to follow the above-mentioned steps. Just stop browsing the internet aimlessly. Try to make the most of the internet to learn the course of your choice. With the right online web design course, you can take the first step in building your career as a web designer.

Wish you good luck!