Advantages of Internal Linking To Boost SEO - Netgen

Many digital website users know the importance of backlinking (or external linking). However, internal linking is also an important aspect of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but it is mostly neglected by business owners.

If you are an expert digital marketer, you are aware it’s not wise to ignore internal linking. This is because it is one essential factor that helps customers to reach more web pages that are deep-seated in your vast website.

But before you get to know about its advantages, let’s give some time to know a little about this vital SEO factor.

What is Internal Linking?

In simple words, internal linking is when you link any webpage on a website to some other webpage. Or you may consider it as a web page containing hyperlink(s) that lead the visitor to any other page within the same domain.

Not just one, a single webpage may contain more than one hyperlinks that redirect the readers to other webpages in your site. However, the hyperlinking must be on relevant keywords or phrases. This is how readers get appropriate information on what they’re exactly looking for.

Now you must be wondering what’s the use of various internal links leading to more results. Well, it basically helps Google search engine bots and other search engines to get a better understanding of what different web pages contain.

That’s why it is a useful tool in the SEO world. But as mentioned before, overdoing it is not recommended in this case. Do it only where it is necessary. And to the max., a single webpage must have around three to four hyperlinks directing readers to different internal pages.

Now that you’re aware of internal linking, let’s dive into the advantages of internal linking.

Advantages of Internal Linking To Any Website

Many SEO experts recommend some specific guidelines for their SEO content writers and editors to publish the content. One important guideline is to ensure that all content pieces are properly updated and interlinked.

Given below are some noteworthy advantages to use internal linking an important part of your SEO tactics:

1. Internal Linking Spreads Link Juice

While external linking (or do-follow backlinks) is important for building domain authority, you must know that internal linking is helpful to spread link juice to different webpages on a website.

For making the most of this advantage, one must have a better understanding of the way link juice gets spread to different landing pages via internal linking.

2. It Enables Search Engines To Understand Structure Of a Website

All thanks to appropriate internal linking, different search engines are aware of how internal web pages react to one another. It also helps them understand which specific pages are most essential compared to others. The proper website structure allows web search crawlers to know and effortlessly navigate a website.

For example, the more internal links on your webpages, the better search engine bots will understand which web pages are vital. Hence, the important ones will rank higher on the SERPs (search engine result pages).

3. It Enhances Web Page Ranking on the SERPs

Since 1999, Google has not considered ‘domain authority.’ So, Google officials also suggest avoiding its use. Nonetheless, Google is most likely to rank your important webpages higher on search engine result pages if those are frequently interlined from other webpages on a website.

It means that if your landing pages have a good record of higher conversion rate, you must make them part of your interlinking SEO strategy. This way, your website has better chances of getting higher website ranking on search result pages.

4. It Enhances Usability All Thanks To Relevant Anchor Text

As we have mentioned previously, internal linking is helpful in making readers easily figure out or navigate a website. It also helps in improving usability with the user of proper anchor text. The anchor text should redirect readers to relevant content. The redirected content must appeal to your potential customers or audiences.

For example, if you are focusing on an issue and offering solutions in your content, you may consider redirecting your readers to some of your previous articles that have already explained about the specific problem in brief. Also, use a relevant keyword-optimized anchor text on various web pages to help you avoid duplication issues.

5. Internal Linking Helps To Increase Pageviews

Do you know internal linking also helps in enhancing your pageviews. For example, if you link content via various internal links that are suitable to your potential customers, the viewers are most likely to spend more and more time on your website. It is helpful in increasing your website’s conversion rate.

If any one of your webpages, suppose – “Best SEO strategies” – gets more than 10,000 hits each month on SERPs, you can make use of that engaged webpage to get thousands of more visitors on other related pages via appropriate interlinking strategies.

The more pageviews and increased session time per visit is an indicator of better user experience. So, better the internal linking on different web pages, higher the pageviews and better ranking in SERPs.

6. Internal Linking Is Helpful In Indexing & Crawling

As we all know, Google bots are working consistently to offer you the appropriate content the searchers are looking for. These crawlers are also likely to visit your website and crawl various internal links found on different webpages. This is how indexing works.

With a strong internal linking structure, the Google bots are likely to find even the web pages that are less visited or those buried deep in a website. Whenever these bots reach more pages on websites, they are most likely to index a website rapidly.

It means that internal linking is helpful in boosting your internal pages while making your website rank higher on SERPs.


Now you must be aware how internal linking is important to improve user experience while offering better SEO results. Internal linking is vital for websites to help search engine crawlers find more webpages and also rank those pages higher on search engine result pages. Therefore, you need to make sure that internal linking is an essential part of your website’s SEO strategy. So, don’t underestimate it!