6 Best social media platforms for marketing your business
Are you a business owner wanting to promote your brand on social media, a marketer looking to get into social media marketing or a seasoned social media marketer? No matter which of these profiles you have, you certainly need the help of famous social media sites for marketing your brand. It will help you to increase the reach of your brand on social media, attain social media goals, and interact with the right people. Certainly, there is nothing about the size of the social media platforms. However, you need to consider which particular social media website is good for your business. Is your target audience is on that specific social media site? Does it suit your brand image? How many social media platforms you can handle while taking care of your business? After finding the answers to some of these questions, you can choose the right social media site out of the following. Here, we have made a list of the 6 popular social media platforms that are great for marketing businesses.

Let’s find out!

1. Facebook

With over 2.7 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the biggest social network in 2021. in the last decade, it has emerged as a popular daily online app for many social media users. There are still many people who spend at least half an hour or more on Facebook. Not just to browse or share their images or videos. Many Facebook users also use this platform for promoting their brand or business on various pages, events, or groups. That’s why you also need to consider this marketing platform for your marketing efforts.

2. Twitter

Another happening social media platform is Twitter with over 330 million monthly active users. Twitter, however, is not a major lead generator, like Facebook. But it is definitely a great news source and powerful search engine. Therefore, many businesses make use of this platform to inform their target audience about new products or services.

3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn, with over 706+ million users, is also a popular social media platform. While it is not for B2C marketing, this online platform is great for B2B marketing. It is basically touted as the platform for professionals. And, many professionals use this site for connecting with companies or people in a similar business niche. Those businesses could take advantage of this platform for extra marketing effort.

4. Instagram

Another powerful platform to promote brands and businesses is Instagram. Since images make up 93% of engaging Facebook posts and also get 5x more interactions on Twitter, it’s clear how many online users love visual content. Hence, Instagram is a great visual platform for people to share interesting videos and images. Due to such visceral appeal, this platform is highly popular among the masses. So, you can also make use of this visual online platform to create interesting business-related content and share it with your followers. If you can grab the attention of Instagram users, your business is likely to become a hit among many customers in no time.

5. Pinterest

Another visual content platform for social media marketing is Pinterest. Earlier, this platform was labeled as a social media platform just for ladies. It was also true, at first. But now, this interesting platform has become a great place for all genders, as well as brands and businesses to engage with more and more customers. This site is growing really fast and is generating over $400 million a quarter along with 335 million active users on monthly basis.

6. YouTube

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world. This online platform is a big hit when it’s about watching videos, of course. Well, certain brands can be more successful than others in video virality. However, any brand has a good chance at video marketing and being successful on YouTube. The video doesn’t have to be very fancy, as only a decent video is enough for great brand promotion on YouTube.


Despite the size of social medial sites, it is essential to note whether your target audience is using a selected social media platform. That said, bbig social media sites, such as Facebook, often have a wide range of topics and interests. Due to this, it is a suitable platform for most brands. However, even other online platforms are also great for promotions, depending on where your target audience is. Just find it out, and you’ll be good to go with your digital marketing.